Sunday, February 5, 2012

Many days!

I'm sorry, I'm failing at this thing...

Monday, 1/31
Swam 650 m

Wednesday, 2/1
Ran 5K for the first time in 3 months! Time, 34 minutes.

Sunday, 2/5
Ran another 5K (a Superbowl race!) with Molly.
Time: 32 minutes. What whaaaaaaaat

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23

Ran 1 mile.

Overhead lift 3 x 12
deep knee bends 3 x 12

That was it :( On the mornings the meter won't let me stay for more than an hour. so that sucks.

However, I stepped on the scale today and I've lost some weight. Which is something to be happy about.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A New kind of pain

I missed a day in here. Last Friday, I swam 600 m, freestyle and butterfly.

Yesterday, I finally ran for the first time in over a month.
Today, I am sore.

Warmed up 10 minutes arc trainer
Abdominal workout (to 12 each)

Lifting @ 15 lbs:
Overhead press 3x12
Rows 3x12
Tricep overhead 3x12
Calf raises 3x20
Bicep curls 3x12

Ran 2 K

It's going to be a rough road, but I can do this.

Kristen out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I SWAM A MILE!!!! Okay, 1700 meters. Shit. I had the math wrong in my head. But that's okay.

Freestyle Warm up x 100
Pull x 200
Kick x 200
Freestyle 1200

Sad attempt at running, unsuccessful due to tight muscles.

Abdominal workout - 240 crunches, 20 leg raises.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Good Lord, an update

I've decided to turn this thing into a training blog. So it's not really worth reading, sorry folks!

1/6/12 (really? 12?)
20 minutes wind trainer
fire hydrant (3x 15 reps)
bicep curls (10 lbs, 3x 15 reps)