Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My bed. Large and in charge.

...A sign....it must mean something...

Rachel, my lovely cello roommate! I don't know who the person is though.

God's Fish

An 80's party already? Well, yeah...

Me, fwoosh!

a country road in the country

Ben juggles. Wow!

Ben and I climbed a mountain. 3 miles and 3 hours later, we made it to the top! Boo to cardiovascular health.

This is our house!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Manchester England, England...

I guess I am truly a social creature, whether I like it or not.

My roommates are cool, my wind quintet is cool, I still hate practicing, I am lonely, I am lonely, I am lonely.

and I still don't know what to say.

< / sad > please?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Where does the good go?

I always try this thing where I make some intelligent topic or quote or something to head the post. But I really can't. Mostly because I never have anything coherent to say, and then when it comes out it's all wrong and just not what I meant to say in the first place.

Ring around the truth, pocket full of ... fooooth

Why am I so unmotivated to do the right thing? It's right!

I can't say what is right, because it feels wrong. Damn.

What a paradox.